The Awakening collection is a breath of freshness. They are wonderful, pastel colors that are perfect for spring and summer projects. Today I prepared a card in a box. I did not add an inscription because it is one of those projects that I always have at home at hand. It works perfectly on many occasions. After the inscription, I will reach at the last moment - of course, I will choose one of the ready-made, which can be found in the sticker sheet. I need to draw your attention to one small detail (although it is extremely important to me). In the collection you will find a sheet of elements to cut - it's exactly about paper No. 05. The pictures in it are slightly larger than those found in the sheet of elements to fussy-cut. Thanks to this, we can create, for example, a card and a box, an album. The patterns are perfectly matched to different projects. I do not know if you paid attention to it - I do! The Awakening collection stole my heart. I assure you that if you have not seen it yet, you will be satisfied. I hope that my project will catch your eye. Best wishes, Paulina
czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2019
Awakening Collection
Kolekcja Awakening to powiew świeżości. To cudowne, pastelowe barwy, które idealnie sprawdzą się w wiosenno-letnich projektach. Dziś przygotowałam kartkę w pudełku. Nie dodałam napisu bowiem to jeden z tych projektów, który zawsze mam w domu pod ręką. Sprawdzi się idealnie przy wielu okazjach. Po napis sięgnę w ostatniej chwili - oczywiście wybiorę jeden z gotowych napisów, które znajdziemy w arkuszu naklejek. Musze zwrócić Waszą uwagę na jeden mały szczegół (choć dla mnie jest on ogromnie ważny). W kolekcji znajdziemy arkusz elementów do wycinania - chodzi dokładnie o papier nr 05. Obrazki w nim zawarte są odrobine większe od tych, które znajdziemy w arkuszu elementów do wycinania. Dzięki temu możemy stworzyć np. kartkę oraz pudełko, album. Wzory sa idealnie dobrane wielkościowo do różnych projektów. Nie wiem czy zwróciliście na to uwagę - ja tak! Kolekcja Awakening skradła moje serce. Zapewniam Was, że jeśli jeszcze jej nie widzieliście będziecie zadowoleni. Mam nadzieję, że mój projekt wpadnie Wam w oko. Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Paulina
The Awakening collection is a breath of freshness. They are wonderful, pastel colors that are perfect for spring and summer projects. Today I prepared a card in a box. I did not add an inscription because it is one of those projects that I always have at home at hand. It works perfectly on many occasions. After the inscription, I will reach at the last moment - of course, I will choose one of the ready-made, which can be found in the sticker sheet. I need to draw your attention to one small detail (although it is extremely important to me). In the collection you will find a sheet of elements to cut - it's exactly about paper No. 05. The pictures in it are slightly larger than those found in the sheet of elements to fussy-cut. Thanks to this, we can create, for example, a card and a box, an album. The patterns are perfectly matched to different projects. I do not know if you paid attention to it - I do! The Awakening collection stole my heart. I assure you that if you have not seen it yet, you will be satisfied. I hope that my project will catch your eye. Best wishes, Paulina

The Awakening collection is a breath of freshness. They are wonderful, pastel colors that are perfect for spring and summer projects. Today I prepared a card in a box. I did not add an inscription because it is one of those projects that I always have at home at hand. It works perfectly on many occasions. After the inscription, I will reach at the last moment - of course, I will choose one of the ready-made, which can be found in the sticker sheet. I need to draw your attention to one small detail (although it is extremely important to me). In the collection you will find a sheet of elements to cut - it's exactly about paper No. 05. The pictures in it are slightly larger than those found in the sheet of elements to fussy-cut. Thanks to this, we can create, for example, a card and a box, an album. The patterns are perfectly matched to different projects. I do not know if you paid attention to it - I do! The Awakening collection stole my heart. I assure you that if you have not seen it yet, you will be satisfied. I hope that my project will catch your eye. Best wishes, Paulina
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